Friday, June 23, 2006

Ring of hair around the toilet

So arrived here on Wednesday night. The Super Shuttle dropped me off and of course I had no keys to get into the place I was subletting. The sky was ominous and it looked like tornadoes were going to drop down at any moment and I actually thought for a brief moment I would be sleeping under the small bridge that leads to the entrance of the apartments. Luckily, someone came and gave me keys.

Let's discuss this apartment. First off, Thursday was a GORGEOUS day. Bright, sunny, birds churping, etc. Okay, at least I have a roof over my head. But I quickly discovered that the inside of this place is a black cavern in the middle of the day. Very few windows... and they don't open. I have to run the air conditioner constantly because it gets stuffy. It's the anti-fresh apartment.

I found dirty dishes in the sink that have been sitting there since the END OF APRIL. There was a huge spider hanging out on one of the plates and unfortunately Greg was not here to take care of it. I had to wash it down into the food disposal while screaming like a girl... After murdering the not-so-itsy bitsy spider, I loaded the dishes into the dishwasher. I turned it on and it started smoking and hissing. Hmmmm.

Then I journeyed into the bathroom where I found the most disgusting hair and piss encrusted toilet. It looked like someone had opened a pubic hair barber shop. I was gagging but managed to deal with the mess. Oh, and there was no shower curtain. And I have no car. And the apartment is nowhere near a Target.

Luckily, I have met some nice people with cars.

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