Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Forgotten good things

This weekend, I survived my first earthquake. It was a little one. Yeah, I was a little Dan-dramatic when it happened (imagine that!). I am permanently scarred and freaked out to be leaving in a state that could break from the Union at any moment.

My excitement this weekend was finding Honeycrisp apples in Los Angles. (No, I am not a loser) They only had about 20 total in the Vons across the street from me and I resisted buying them all. Nancy (the cashier) and I had an extended conversation about how these are the best apples in the whole wide world. Better than Fugi, Gala, Braeburn, et al. You bite into them and they have the most heavenly crisp texture with a sweet flavor that is incredible. These only come around once a year. The people behind me in line were clearly annoyed.

I packed one of these beauties in my lunch today. I was day dreaming about it on my way to work today. I could smell it in the mid-morning when I opened up my bag to get a pen out. I took it out at about 10:30 to say "hello" to it. During my lunch break, I ended up at Costco buying the big bags of candy to bribe the kids with... It is an interestingly large place. I will leave it at that. So... I got a frozen yogurt at the food counter outside the Costco. Why???...I don't know. It was 2 pounds of ice cream for $1.35... uggh... it tasted awful, gave me a bad stomach ache, and I threw that bitch away. After that awful experience I was not hungry anymore. I went back to school and taught my last class of the day... On the way home, I smelled something delicious coming from my bag. And I found my little joy tucked in my bag and I enjoyed it quite a bit.

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