Friday, November 18, 2005

Camels and mustangs

So it took Mexican food to reawaken my senses to the point that I must write about it. I cannot even remember the name of hole in the wall that Dawn and I went to for lunch today but it was heaven on earth mexican food. The place can only seat about 15 people and the line starts to get long at around 11:30. It has a great view of the ocean despite the greasy windows. You know a place is good when all of the Mexican construction workers go there for lunch. The walls are covered in surfboard and skateboard stickers (those annoying things you see pasted on the back of stop signs) and an assortment of random bumper sitckers. One sticker said "California permit to hunt terrorists #091101. Expires 2050" I thought that was kinda scary but there was another one that said "Curran for President" (who's that?) and "Give peace a chance". The walls are really dirty and the people that work behind the counter are pretty sweaty and speak "un poco" English. You can only sit at the counter on broken stools since they have no tables. Okay, the salsa is amazing... I will dream of it tonight. The best part... entire Mexican dinner: 2 enchiladas, rice, beans, and salad for $5.00.

Greg's friend JC is visiting this week and last night we drove out to Fullerton during rush hour (38 mile drive from where we live) to meet Greg for dinner. JC rented a Mustang convertable for her little vacation in Los Angeles. What a great idea... watch the sunset as we pull away from the city enjoying the original American Dream: the California freeway system. Go anywhere, do anything, show off your wheels, where big sunglasses, look fabulous. Just so you know... riding with the top down on a freeway in L.A. is not what the movies make it out to be. It's not "fun" or "glamorous" or "freeing". You see, there are 700,000 other cars and trucks pumping exhaust in your face. So many pounds of fumes did I circulate through my lungs that when JC started to smoke, I enjoyed smelling the organic substance of tobacco smoke. And for the first time in my life, I asked her to please blow more smoke in my face.

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